Lyrics - Always
I will be loving you Always
[Chorus] Always With
With all the love that’s true Always
[Chorus] Always When
When the things you plan
[Chorus] Need
Need a helping hand
[Chorus] I’ll
I’ll understand Always
[Chorus] Always Days
Days may not be fair Always
[Chorus] Not be fair That’s
That’s when I’ll be there Always
[Chorus] Not for
Not for just an hour
[Chorus] No and not
No and not for just a day
[Chorus] And not
And not for just a year I said always
[Chorus] Always Days may not be fair
Days may not be fair Always, always, always, always
[Chorus] That’s when I’ll be there
That’s when I’ll be there Always, and ever, and ever, and ever
[Chorus] No
No, and not for just an hour
[Chorus] No
No, it’s gotta be longer than a day
[Chorus] Not
And not for just a year, I’m gonna love you Oh, how do I love town, talk to you, baby
I wanna love you Love you, love you, love you
Always, always, always